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The Caregiver.

Our research team recently returned from several weeks in the Southwestern states, interviewing caregivers, care receivers and professional nursing assistants. We’re working to uncover what it means to keep care in the home (and out of institutions) as well as answer pertinent questions about the persona of the Caregiver: who is she/he and what hurdles are in store for someone who takes on the care of a parent or child with health issues? With an ever-increasing number of aging Boomers, the future state of healthcare will rely heavily on those who are willing to make personal sacrifices in order to give care to loved-ones.

| Research

A Place for Innovation.

Fusion Hill has been out in the field talking to consumers about our health and beauty client’s new product packaging concepts. In Chicago and New York, consumers used prototypes for a week and then brought them in for our focus groups to discuss their overall experience and critiques. Although many immediately believed it to be a great on-the-go package design, most discussed other ways to integrate it into their everyday life, and the world of opportunities the packaging presents to their health and beauty products—and beyond! How can you make your products better for on the go? Are there ways your current on-the-go packaging could make your everyday life better and more convenient as well?

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16 Million More.

In preparation for the 2014 Health Care Law Reform, Fusion Hill has been conducting research to better understand who it will impact and how. For a start, the reform will increase who can be covered by Medicaid – which will expand the offering to 16 million more people int the US. In order for the reform to be impactful, insurance providers are seeking to understand who the newly eligible prospective member is, what they want and need from their health care, what their relationship has been to health care in the past and what role their new coverage will have in their lives? Ultimately: how can Medicaid best serve and engage this new group? Our job is a big one to say the least. We’re out seeking these answers and talking directly to potential members who are helping us all understand what they believe the future holds for them.

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Full Immersion.

Call us impressionable, but as researchers, we take our work seriously and seek to truly understand our subject matter. When immersed in a new project, whether it’s about financial services, healthcare, or a CPG product, we often find ourselves adopting new habits we’ve picked up in field. Hiring a personal financial advisor, wearing elaborate eye make-up, eating extra amounts of Greek yogurt and buying treadmills are all behaviors our team has manifested as a result of our projects on money management, cosmetics, packaged food, and Diabetes. Our most recent hot project is profiling Millennials who bake. In addition to this sweet hobby, it turns out many Millennials also enjoy knitting as a pastime. Only a few weeks after observing this twentysomething crafting phenomenon, our own Millennials are making cakes AND now knitting hats and scarves over lunch. Who knows what our next research-related hobby or habit will be, let’s hope it’s a healthy one!

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Heartfelt Hospice.

For the last few weeks, Fusion Hill has been flying coast to coast to talk to a variety of involved consumers and participants about renaming a hospice, end-of-life and skilled nursing care program. According to participants (healthcare professionals who refer to these programs, patients who are referred, and the families of the patients receiving the referrals), the name needs to reflect the experience they wish to receive with the program. Their ideal is a program, facility and/or services that are compassionate and all-encompassing to inspire lasting trust and confidence. Using the reactions and evaluations of the prospective names from our research, our client will decide on the best-suited name for the program – one that consumers believe expresses the idea that they are receiving the best care that they want and need for their loved ones.

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Bake Me a Cake.

The Fusion Hill research team is satisfying a sweet tooth in a big way for the month of January. Conducting research for a major food client, we are rolling up our sleeves and tying on our aprons for some Millennial baking ethnographies. We are learning about the resurgence in baking amongst young Millennials by hanging out in their favorite local spots and watching them decorate and frost their baking creations.

| Research

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