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International Investigators.

Recently, while conducting research abroad two of our team members struck up a conversation with a gentleman who was intrigued to find Americans “off the beaten path”. The line of questioning, centering on “why are you here” and “what do you do” and mainly consisting of hand gesturing and broken linguistics finally culminated in an ah-ha moment for our new friend. “You are investigators,” he claimed! And yes, we’ve concluded that he’s precisely right. “International investigators, sir.”

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Back to School.

Two of our designers were on campus this last week at MCAD and UW–Stout. They used their highly-trained design eyes to critique student advertising and photo journalism projects. Only a few tears were shed in the process. Okay, not really. Fun and learning was had by all!

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Our Psycho Neighbor.

This month we got a new neighbor, and a crazy one at that. We’ve already been over twice to welcome Psycho Suzi to her new home. And we’re happy to report that beyond a few fancy décor updates, the restaurant hasn’t changed at all. Same artery-clogging menu, sassy waitresses and kooky cocktails. We are wistfully awaiting summer though when we can walk over and enjoy happy hour on the riverside patio. Be sure to join us!

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Look how cute we are!

Yep, you’re at the right place – we just look a little different thanks to a fabulous makeover. We’ve got expanded client work, additional features AND a hot new look to boot.

Go ahead. Check us out!

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Organized Religion.

This month we set out to gain understanding around the way highly-organized women file and store their business documents. What products do they choose to use? Does the packaging and overall design of the product influence their decision to buy them or not? Does it really all just boil down to practicality in the end? Organization … it just got personal.

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The Name Game.

We’re knee-deep in dictionaries and thesauri this month with several naming projects. Whether we’re coming up with a name that denotes that certain je ne sais quoi or forging a clever new word combination that perfectly fits the bill, we just love being a part of this seminal process. Plus, we’re word nerds … which is a bonus.

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The Mighty Clash.

For this year’s annual Fusion Hill Fun Day we dressed for success in our boldest brights, stripes and plaids. Our collective fashion statement made quite an impression at Salut Restaurant and Spalon Montage where we were treated to a lovely lunch followed by some truly indulgent pampering. Here’s to another great year of Fusion Hill fun!

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Improving Lives.

We recently partnered with a major medical device company to conduct ethnographies on people living with Parkinson’s disease. The participants wore medication-dispensing prototypes for a week and gave feed back about the experience. Based on our findings, we hope to help create the ideal device and improve their quality of life.

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The Doctor Will See You Now.

We are proud to have been a part of the recent launch of an online care service that allows patients to see a doctor via their computer. With a savvy consumer in mind, our creative team developed a fresh color palette, photography style and copy for a full suite of marketing materials – from brochures and posters to a spiffy new web site.

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Fabulous Femmes.

This year we celebrated our Annual Women’s Networking Event at Tiger Sushi on the most beautiful of August evenings. Set on their lavish patio overlooking the greenway in Uptown, our crew and clients enjoyed sushi, cocktails, a light breeze and a whole lot of mingling.

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Fitness Fashion.

Our design team signed up for the challenge when our client announced they head acquired a triathlon. Instead of diving into the water, we dove into the creative development of the tri-suits that would be as ubiquitous as bike gears and goggles at the race. Sleek and snazzy, this race-ware is runway ready.

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Feathering the Nest.

Fusion Hill lent a creative hand in helping out our “expecting” colleague. With just a few design parameters set by the mother-to-be we created a collection of canvases that will decorate the nursery walls belonging to one lovely little girl. We’re hoping the omnipresent paintings will be an influence in her fine arts upbringing. (A future Fusion Hiller, perhaps?)

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Get In Touch

1414 Marshall Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
612 638 5000


If you share our passion for integrated problem solving and developing remarkable creative solutions, we’d love to hear from you. Visit our careers page to view openings.


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