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A Future of Unknowns.

We’ve recently been in Seattle, Tampa and Minneapolis researching retirement planning and finances with people who are just about to retire and those who already have. We spoke to consumers about their life-long financial journeys, what kind of income streams they have or plan on having in retirement, and more importantly, how the financial products they use or may want to use can be enhanced so that they can continue to benefit from and enjoy the money they have worked hard to earn their entire lives. Whether they have dreams of cruises or road trips in a camper, consumers have told us that retirement finances and planning is important, especially in a future of unknowns. How do you think about your money and spending habits in retirement? What do you want your retirement savings to do for you?

| Research

Credit Cards, Rewards and You.

Recently, we’ve been coast to coast researching finances – specifically credit cards and rewards programs. We spoke with Millennial men and women about their credit card journeys, what they love about their credit cards, and more importantly, how the cards they use and the rewards they redeem for can be made even better. So how about you? Are you a “Transactor” who pays in full every month or a “Revolver” who carries a balance? If you’re in on a rewards program, what do you redeem for? We found that it’s typically the thing you “live for”.

| Research

A Starry Night.

Fusion Hill is proud to be a gold sponsor, and the donating designer of Children’s Starry Night – An Evening of Arts & Healing. We hope you will join us for an enchanting evening to support and fund a year of arts programming—including music therapy, creative play and visual arts—for patients and families being treated at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. This inaugural event offers an inspirational glimpse of Children’s partnership with several community art organizations, plus allows you to experience the power of art through unique exhibits and performances.

| Creative, Culture

Transforming Healthcare.

Healthcare simply can’t carry on the way it has been, we have to radically transform the industry. This sentiment and the immense amount of energy behind it was the impetus for the Transform 2012 conference at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Fusion Hill principals joined healthcare leaders from across the nation, and even the world along with other researchers and designers, health practitioners and thought leaders to brainstorm and share ideas. There is no silver bullet, but, there is a great deal of good work and momentum in creating a new era of healthcare.

| Research

Dorm Room Décor.

We’ve been speaking with young adults who are about to embark on their next great adventure: going to (or back to) college. We talked and shopped with students and their parents to uncover how their dream dorm room or college apartment looks, functions, and feels. They showed us and talked about what they are looking for in the items on their shopping lists: bedding, dinnerware, lighting, rugs, and maybe even a futon. Students discussed the importance of their room as a site of self-expression: a place that is focused and compartmentalized but still provides relaxation and comfort.

| Research

Fusion Chill: Brewing up a Storm.

Back by popular demand, we’ve brewed up two new Fusion Chill beers and a hard cider for our 2012 summer patio party. Led by researcher/brewmeister, Liz Scholz, everyone lent a hand in the beer-making process, whether it be designing the labels, brewing or bottling. The three varieties—an American IPA, an apple and pear hard cider, and a coffee porter—are handcrafted to tantalize taste buds on a hot summer afternoon. This year, the beers are paired with food from Chow Girls to accent and complement the flavors in the beverages. See you on the patio!

| Culture

Our New Hires.

We are happy to welcome two new staff members! Designer Ashley Kapaun has been a terrific intern and is now on board full time – team members and clients are thrilled! And Kathryn Sutton joins us as a Research Strategist. Kathryn’s expertise in food and her Masters in American Studies are strong assets we’ll be sure to leverage.

| Culture

You Are Here.

Fusion Hill is now conducting ethnographies of places and communities. This new methodology allows for an understanding of the culture, decision-making, challenges and opportunities of an area. Insights will allow a healthcare client to understand why ER use might be high in a particular zip code, or a financial client what services to offer where. How would understanding a specific locale help your business?

| Research

The Fourth Meal.

We recently wrapped up a research study on frozen pizza and pizza rolls. We interviewed moms and kids in the Midwest and the South in an effort to uncover the magical qualities of these popular hot snacks. Moms and kids agree that they are the perfect fit for the new “fourth meal” of the day – that time between school and evening activities when kids need fast fuel.

| Research

The Care Receiver.

After much travel, we spent several weeks in the office pouring over participant data, imagery, notes and videos, creating a full understanding and narrative of what it is like to be disabled or elderly and in need of care. Their opinion, although it can be hard or near impossible to express at times, truly matters. We listened as they told us their stores: who they are, what they want from their caregiver, health insurance, and life, showing us what it is like to receive care. The future state of healthcare not only relies on the caregivers, but also on the health and wellbeing of the care receivers themselves, so they can stay happy and healthy in their own homes until the very end.

| Research

Genesis II for Families is now …

It’s official! Our non-profit partner, Genesis II for Families, is now FamilyWise. As this terrific organization grows, they now have a vibrant brand that will blossom with them.

| Creative

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1414 Marshall Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
612 638 5000


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